Saturday, May 17, 2014

Catch Up Time!

So it has been two weeks since I officially completed student teaching. But oh so much has happened since that I still want to share and record, here it goes!

After finishing student teaching I had one week left before I graduated college and I just couldn’t  be in town and not see my kids. I observed a preschool classroom on Monday afternoon (just for fun). Tuesday I returned to my classroom for the afternoon and oh how the kids got excited! They attacked me with hugs, smiles, and “I miss you Miss U!” Can’t say I didn’t love it :) Thursday I was actually able to sub in my classroom all day! It was a rush to get all of the paperwork turned into the school and a letter had to be written from my college but man it was worth it!! The students kept asking me as they came in the classroom that morning if I was really going to be their teacher. 

Field Trip and Moving:
Friday I went on an all day field trip with the kindergarteners to the children’s museum. Our class was fortunate to have an abundance of chaperones so I only had two kids with me for the day.
Right after the field trip, I met the moving crew (my parents and amazing second mom!) back at my apartment. We started moving my things out of college for the last time. Thanks mom, dad, and second mom!!

 Two of the kid's favorite exhibits, the cloud climber and a giant light bright 

The Big Day!:
Saturday was the big day, graduation day. My final day at SMSU. My final day of college. The day my new journey in life would begin, finding a job. Graduation day was a wonderful day but it sure had its fair share of hick-ups before I walked across that stage! 
Friday night I realized where my cap was… at home… 2.5 hours away. Yup that was a fun problem to solve! Thankfully I still had my wonderful roommates who sent some texts and were able to find a replacement one for me (thanks again Haley!!) 
Then, the morning of graduation, we had to be at the school at 8:40 but the ceremony didn’t start until 10 (crazy right!?) I woke up that morning at our apartment for the last time. I got ready and finished packing my few things that were left to move out. The apartment was bare, we’re talking three girls with only as much stuff as they could fit in a suitcase left in this apartment. I realized I had no breakfast to eat. This was a problem, but, thankfully my parents brought me something before the girls and I rushed off for graduation. 
During that rush to the school, I somehow managed to drop my tassel… on the ground… not realizing it until I was already in the school. (Yup that’s problem number three for the day incase you’re keeping track!) God was watching over me though. My parents just happened to walk in the school shortly after I did and picked up the tassel for me. 

After the ceremony, we had a little party at the Pizza Ranch with friends and family. I got so many wonderful children’s books to add to my future classroom library! So grateful to my friends and family! 

I also got an unbelievable surprise when I opened the present from my student teaching mentor and students. 

A quilt!! Each student colored/decorated one of the squares. I was speechless and brought to tears by the thought and love that went into this amazing treasure I will get to have for many years to come. Thank you Erica and students!! 

Now I am working on finding a classroom to call my own. I have been filling out and sending as many applications as I can. Fingers crossed the right school and I find one another soon! 

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